If you are not able to get out of your home for Mass or need assistance from Father Janusz or the homebound team.
If you or a family member of a friend is ill or disabled at home, in the hospital, or in a residence home please contact the parish office.
Fr. Janusz and the homebound team are able to visit and bring Holy Communion when you are unable to attend Mass at St. John the Evangelist. Also, Fr. Janusz is able to hear your Confession and celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. If you are preparing for surgery or some medical procedure at the hospital Fr. Janusz can offer you the Sacraments prior to your procedure.
Please contact Fr. Jaunsz at the parish office at 605-223-2176 or [email protected] to receive these Sacraments.
Parish Life ministry is focused on...
Please contact Amy Fowler at 605-430-7402 or email her at [email protected]
The Vocation and Evangelization ministry team lead by Steave VanMullen, Nicole Keller and Patty Lihz.
When we support, pray and promote the vocations to Mariage, Priesthood and Consecrated Life our faith flourishes.
To visit more with this ministry team please contact the parish office.The St. John's Parish Council is the advisory council for our pastor. This council is there to advocate, guide, and advise for the future of our parish. The current council members are Kelly Madson, Laura Hand and 3 seats to be determined. Please reach out to any of these council members with any questions or concerns about the current or future of St. John's Parish.
The Finance council is the financial advisors of the parish. This council over sees the financial health of the parish. The current Finance Council is Mike Wisegram, Eileen Fischer, Bob Riter, Mike Kenzy and Austin Goss. Please reach out to one of these council members about the financial state of St. John's Parish.